Freitag, 31. Dezember 2010

The Last Course

This is my very last entry, the last you will read  from me, the icing on the cake.
I will tell you in a few minutes what my point is over this whole blog,  about the reason why I wrote the blog about  food, and about American desserts.
I cooked through every region of the U.S. and told you its history.
Seven regions, The West Coast, the Middle Atlantic Coast, The Midwest, The South, The Mountain Sates, The Southwest and The West Coast. Seven regions, seven different influences, climates, and seven different cultures.
The U.S. is one country, but as big as Europe, and you can even say it is like Europe. Every state is like a country in Europe and has different influences, culture, accents, climate, and a different history. Not one state is like another state. They might all speak English and they might have similarities, but each of them is different ans special in its one way.
You might think now, "What is her point?" I will tell you. My point is that you can't name a specific meal, or a specific way people are, or how the landscape is, because, as I have tried to tell you many times here, every state is different, like a whole new country. That was why I cooked through every region of the U.S. and told its story. My point is that you have so many possibilities here, I am not saying that the "American Dream" is reality, there are many poor people in the U.S., and I am not saying that the U.S. is perfect. No country is, but I think it's worth it to travel to the U.S. You have so many possibilities here, you can go to the desert, snow and ice, hot sun and beach, or to the evergreen state where it rains so much. 
The reason why I wrote about food is because eating food is what everyone is doing (if they have food), all around the world. The way poeple eat and cook their food shows us a part of them and their country's history. How they live, where the typical meals came from, what is eaten a lot in this region or counrty, and why it is eaten there. And most importantly, how the country became what it is today.
Now to my dessert part.
American desserts are described as easy cake and cookie recepies that everyone can cook, either grandma or children, and that brings the family and friends together, baking cookies or cakes.

I made peanut butter layered cookie bars.  They are like a strange cake, but they taste delicious.  A popular myth held by many Americans is that peanut butter was invented by George Washington Carver in 1915. He did invent over 300 uses for peanuts, but peanut butter was not one of them, as it had already been invented before. 

So, the icing on the cake is that I have enjoyed eating my way around the U.S. and hope that you have enjoyed it too! 

Donnerstag, 30. Dezember 2010

Spare Ribs

Today I will introduce you to Spare Ribs.
Spareribs are cured pork chops. 
They weren't invented in the U.S. I know you will say now, "Are you serious?"  And my answer is, "I'm totally serious!" It was a surprise for me too, believe me. Guess from which country they come now? No, not England because the word Spare Ribs is English. They came from Germany. Yes, you heard me right, from Germany. The reason they have the name Spare Ribs is because in Germany they were called Ribbenspeer (which means rib spear), and the people from England who brought it from Germany to England (and later to the U.S.) just left the word as it was and spoke it English- Rib Spare-which later became Spare Ribs. So actually it would have to be a typical German food, but it isn't, everyone just knows it as THE typical U.S.  American barbecue food.
Whenever someone talks about Spare Ribs, and that they come from the US, start shouting: "Wait, I know it better!" and tell where they really came from, because you do know it better! Well, if you are very shy I guess you don't have to shout, but at least you can smile to yourself and think , "Your story is wrong man, I know it better." I think I would rather do the second alternative, but the first one sounds very fun, doesn't it? And you would have something to talk about!
But anyway, I made Spare Ribs at home, of course, but I forgot to take a picture of it , so I took a picture from the internet to show you what it looks like. Here it is:

Spare Ribs

Doesn't it look yummy?
I think it does!

...And don't forget to correct people if they say it wrong!

Chicken Wings

Today I'm going to show you the chicken wings.They don't have a great or interesting history, it's more of a story where something is invented by a kind of a coincidence. 
Anyway, the whole story began in 1964 in Buffalo, NY. The owner of the  "Anchor Bar", Theresa Belissmo, was surrounded  by a horde of hungry boys. According to the legend, she had already used all the good parts of the chicken, so now she had to invent something for the left over parts of the chicken, the chicken wings. She fried them in oil, dipped them in a butter-Tabasco sauce, and served them with vegetable sticks and a blue cheese sauce to take the acidity away . That's the whole story.
I think it's very funny that they began like that. I mean she invented it by accident , and today we all know and love chicken wings, so be thankful to the horde of boys, because without them we wouldn't have chicken wings today, of course we also have to be thankful for Teresa Belissmo.
Of course I tried to make chicken wings too, but- I'm really sorry for what I did- because I didn't buy  chicken wings, I bought chicken pieces without bones, because the chicken wings cost more and have less meat. I know it doesn't matter for many people but it did for me, so I didn't buy chicken wings.
So I didn't really make "chicken wings", I made chicken with the chicken wings recipe, with vegetables and blue cheese sauce. It was yummy, but I don't think it was suuuper extra delicious like the original ones, which isn' t really possible because I didn't know at this time what they would taste like, and they are really, really good. 
Chicken Wings